Saturday, December 13, 2014

Sprite DLight Kickstarter campaign over

738% funded! 

It has been an exciting campaign, Sprite DLight's Kickstarter closed with 467 backers and 738% of the basic funding goal. All stretch goals have been smashed.

I am really happy to have that many engaged supporters, as the scope of the project has distinctly increased. 
Thank you all so much for your contributions, I know many of you helped to make Sprite DLight known to a great number of people.

This is a new screenshot of the tool, introducing the option to conveniently adjust the light angle for the re-rendering feature. 

Sprite DLight - Instant normal maps for 2D graphics - Update #13 
"Goblin-pixel", ©2014 AlbertoV (DYA Games), normal map and re-rendering preview of Sprite DLight

Friday, December 12, 2014

Final hours for Sprite DLight on Kickstarter!

Less than 4 hours left!

The final hours of Sprite DLight's Kickstarter campaign are running, it will end in less than four hours and the madness still won't stop. We are currently at 450 backers and more than 700% funded.

I have also been approached upon the subject of animated films featuring dynamic lighting with normal mapped sprites by two backers, and I think this is a great idea. 
Chris Burton of ICEBOX Studios sent me a sample character sprite for testing purposes, which I processed with the tool.
This is what he used the normal map for:

Sprite DLight's normal maps used for animated films
Rendered image by Chris Burton of ICEBOX Studios with additional modeling by David Gallagher, the used normal map was generated by Sprite DLight

Friday, December 5, 2014

Final stretch goal smashed!

300 backers and all stretch goals reached!

Shortly after the 300th backer of the project made his pledge, the final stretch goal of Sprite DLight has been reached.
I would like to thank all supporters for all the valuable feedback, active cooperation and encouraging words, and the sharing of links, pictures and messages that helped to make Sprite DLight known to so many people.

A quick summary of what the stretch goal brings:

Sprite DLight's manual artistic control feature

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Re-rendering stretch goal reached!

3. Stretch goal reached, 450% funded! 

Good news for users of game engines that do not support shaders:

Sprite DLight's third stretch goal has recently been reached and it brings a feature which allows you to re-render sprites for different environments, based on the normal map.

Re-rendering works with the batch processing feature of the Pro version and t
he spotlight of the lighting preview can be reduced to its directional component, so all frames inside a sprite sheet can be consistently rendered with different lighting conditions.

Re-rendering of sprite sheets for different environments
"Super Aged Warriors Alpha 2 HD Turbo Special", ©2014 AlbertoV (DYA Games), re-rendered for different environments with the normal map and lighting of Sprite DLight

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