Saturday, May 23, 2015

Third Sprite DLight beta build released!

Sprite DLight 0.3 brings new features and bug fixes  

Apart from some technical changes and fixes'behind the scenes', 0.3 brings some new features and backer-suggested improvements like the change to the sprite sheet animation preview, that allows the user to specify starting and ending frame numbers instead of just a total number of animation frames.
This change allows you to easily preview animation sequences within a larger sprite sheet.

Sprite DLight - Instant normal maps for 2D graphics - Update #20 
The sprite sheet animation preview can now be displayed 'from frame X to frame Y'

Thanks to everybody who made suggestions for changes and new features, as well as everybody who reported bugs and issues.
Some of the suggested improvements didn't make it into 0.3, but most of them will be addressed in the future.

The current beta build also brings a new Pro feature: an option to export the dynamic lighting preview as a sequence of images!

In the meantime, the Sprite DLight forum is well underway, it should be live within the next few weeks, so the Sprite DLight community will hopefully come to life soon.

This is just a short summary of Sprite DLight Update #20 on Kickstarter!

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